EUR 5’30 for visitors aged under 25, over 65 and pensioners
10 % discount when buying five tickets
20 % discount when buying ten tickets.
Discounts cannot be combined.
Video-on-demand service (VOD)
In the Rearview
Between Revolutions
Film access code: EUR 8
VOD access codes are only available online: the ticket sale page on Cankarjev dom’s website provides direct access to a film for which you have purchased the access code (ticket). Register by following this link and create your own user account. My Account Moj račun Cankarjevega doma on Cankarjev dom’s website enables direct online access to VOD (video on demand) streams available via access codes.
Frequently asked questions
Before using VOD for the first time
If you are not a logged-in user yet, please register by following this link and create your own user account, My Cankarjev dom Account.
What is My Account on Cankarjev dom’s website?
The “My Account” page lists the information for the currently logged-in user; all orders, tickets, pre-paid cards, gift vouchers, subscriptions and membership cards. This is where you also edit your information, change passwords and watch films via VOD service.
How do I buy VOD access codes?
You can buy a VOD access code on by selecting a film and clicking the VIDEO ON DEMAND box. If you haven't already, log in to Cankarjev dom’s ticket sale page, add selected events/films to your cart, and make a payment using the selected payment method.How do I watch a selected film?
After confirming your order on Cankarjev dom’s website, the selected film will appear in your cart and in My Orders tab from where you can access it directly. The My Orders tab of the My Account module will display your order history of VOD films.When can I watch a film via VOD?
The 26th DFF films will be available via the virtual platform throughout the duration of the festival. A film’s access code expires within 4 hours after being activated.
Can I also watch films outside Slovenia?
No, the video-on-demand service is available only for the Slovenian area (with Slovenian IP address).
Do films have subtitles?
All films have Slovenian subtitles, some also English ones (options are given next to each film listing). When a film starts, you can activate the available subtitles in the bottom right corner of the screen by clicking the CC button.
From which devices can I watch films?
There are several options – Smart TV, laptop, tablet, Smartphone. If your TV is not Smart, you can connect your device via a HDMI cable and enjoy watching movies on a larger screen.
How can I connect my computer to a TV?
There are several ways to connect a TV tuner to your PC:
• Via HDMI interface
• HDMI connector is currently your best option; HDMI interface produces high-definition video and also supports audio; for a hassle-free experience, use this interface with a newer version of TV and PC
• Wireless – on modern devices such as: AppleTV, Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV stick (they contain all the Wizards that enable easy connection of a device to TV, provided that your PC supports them)
Can I buy a VOD access code as a gift?
Certainly, you can do so by buying a virtual gift voucher. To watch an event, the donee has to register by creating My Account on Cankarjev dom’s website.
Whom do I contact if requiring assistance?
For further information and assistance, you can contact us at [email protected], [email protected] and via social media.
Can I change a VOD access code after purchase, or claim a refund?
VOD access codes are non-refundable and cannot be altered. No refunds are made on the unused codes. Refunds will be issued in the event of a proven technical error in video streaming as a result of the operation of the organizer.
Customer support (11.00–21.00)
M +386 31 682 537
The 26th FDF videos on demand will be available between 00.01 on 13 March until 23.59 on 20 March 2024.
Telekom Slovenije, the proud main sponsor of the Liffe festival for the past 28 years, will also make a selection of documentary films available to its subscribers to television services in its DKino video store.
A selection of films is available in the FDF 2024 category; a film access code costs €8.
Subscribers to Telekom Slovenije’s television services can purchase a selection of films from this year’s DFF directly in the DKino video store, where a new FDF 2024 category has been created, and they will be charged for the films on their monthly invoice for communication services. Access codes purchased on Cankarjev dom's website cannot be used to watch films from the DKino video store.